FarmaciaPlus 1.0

License : Free
Price: Free

FarmaciaPLus not simply a manual of the pharmacy, but a tool for professionals in the medical sector on the basis of a complete archive of thousands of over 6000 drug monographs for sale in Italy in various formulations (about 13000).

Harnessing the huge potential of the Apple platform (iPhone and iPod Touch), FarmaciaPlus allows quick access to data sheets for each drug, the lists or search by name, the active ingredient for the pharmaceutical industry. It also includes a search engine optimized text that helps you identify any set of words or parts of words in the body of monographs (150 MB) in a few seconds, this system can be easily used for research on therapeutic indications, side effects, drug interactions.

The file will be updated quarterly to acquire new products launched in the market, the elimination of those excluded from the market and improve the data sheets that were incomplete or inaccurate. The program also includes a feature that the user can automatically indicate the supplier of the need to revise or amend a monograph. The update data will be downloaded each new application version of the store without additional cost (as always).

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